Montero Family - Costa Rica, Tarrazu

Sale price189 kr

Size: 250g

Variety: Catuai
Processing: Honey
Altitude: 1900 m.a.s.l.
Harvested: March 2024
Taste notes: Balanced and creamy with notes of chocolate biscuit and ripe plum

Whole coffee beans roasted for filter. 

The Montero's have been producing coffee for three generations. Grandpa Eli was the first, followed by his son Carlos and his grandson Jacob.
In Tarrazu, Carlos and his family are all about community. A lot of the neighbouring producers see them as visionaries and leaders of the Tarrazu specialty coffee movement and look to them for inspiration and advice, which Carlos is always happy to give.  We’ve even had the pleasure of hosting Carlos, Jacob and Marianela when they visited us in Gothenburg. This gave us the privilege to repay some of his family’s hospitality as well as spend some time together as well as show them our part of the coffee chain.